We brought our summer to a close at my parents lake place. It was an absolute blast. Weather was perfect: bright blue skies, not too hot, warm lake water. We even had a chilly, rainy, morning, which made coffee on the screened in porch that much more enjoyable.
On Sunday, we drove 45 minutes south to meet family who were vacationing at Pomme de Terre. Pomme was the lake I grew up visiting. Getting to take my little family there was quite special. We spent the day on the water, just like old times, tubing, swimming, and visiting the ole marina to feed the fish and eat ice cream.
I'm so glad my kids love the water! Bray continues to enjoy his perch on the boat ladder, whilst shouting safety violations at each swimmer. Mom! Where's your lifejacket? Stacey, you have to hold the rope! Avery became all the more brave as we loaded her up with a life jacket and swim floaties. She was completely content so long as no one touched her. I do it! No, ME! To my surprise, Bray enjoyed tubing and Avery of course loved it. However, we almost had a catastrophe when Bob took Avs tubing behind the speed boat with a tube that wasn't so two-year-old-friendly. A wave popped her out of Bob's grip, into the water (enough that she lost an arm floatie). Before she was completely submerged without Bob, he grabbed the back of her life jacket, let go of the tube, and was able to keep her in his arms. She was obviously terrified, mostly because when Bob let go of the tube they went under for quite awhile. But she recovered quickly, eager to ride the next tube (a much safer, kid friendly version).
Brooks was adorable as ever, but quite the handful. It's like he's a baby or something :) My mom graciously offered to stay at the house with him a few times so we could enjoy the boat a bit more. Poor Brooksy is not a fan of lake water, or of his life jacket. Maybe next year?
Now, we are back in town and I'm spending the day getting our ducks in a row before school starts tomorrow- homeschool pre-K for Bray, and toddler friendly lessons for sis. I'm so excited September is here!
Watching the turkeys eat the food we set out for them |
The infamous tube |
The old boat dock, where a lot of childhood memories were made |
I feel like I should apologize to the fish for all the cheetos we fed them. |
Singing to daddy |
So fun! We have a family house at Pomme and spent the summers there as kids! (and now) I LOVE the lake. I'm so glad Hannah had a good time this year!