Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sickness and Jesus

Oh my. Poor Brooks did not fare well during our family's bout with sickness. The only thing that brought him relief were car rides, so car rides we did; three hours at a time, two days in a row. I rather enjoyed myself, actually. The first day we drove cake pops and hellos to a few lucky people. The second day we drove all over Kansas City, visited daddy, and picked up Nana for an eat-in-the-car-Chick-fil-a-date.

We all found relief when Bob came home an hour early, yesterday. We've had three days in a row of him working late and I was fast approaching a meltdown. In fact, right before my SOS call I found myself in the kids room, with Avery and Brooks screaming in the next room, crying. Every bone in my body had had enough. Through tears I begged God to intervene. I knew if he didn't I would choose harsh words over kindness, and social media over being present.

It still blows my mind. The way God reaches me where I'm at and takes me where he wants me to go. Especially when I know, this side of heaven, that "unless he gives me fresh grace every minute of every day, sin is still what I do best." (Barbara Duguid). That kind of love, the perfect loving the imperfect , always leads me to worship.

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