Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Day 4

Four days.
That's how long we've been in our temporary home. And we're not in my sister-in-law's basement like originally planned. Nope. Instead, we are living in my husband's grandfather's house. Surprise.

What happened was:
Bob's grandpa passed away Thursday evening.  Friday morning, the day before we're scheduled to move, we were asked to move into grandpa's home.

While it might seem creepy that we moved in so soon after he passed, it hasn't been for us. Not only was his passing expected so preparations were underway (going through belongings, etc), all day Friday Bob's family finished clearing out the home, ripping up carpet, etc. etc. All of that in addition to our own furniture and a little wall paint, this place has become rather comfortable.

And we're grateful.
We went from being content with a studio basement room to a three bedroom house.
What's even more.
This move reminded me how much God sees me. He sees my struggles. My personality. How I thrive. And he is taking care of me; taking care of us.

God knew what would be best for our little family and he provided it. At the last minute. But he provided it :)

So we're now settling in and fighting to find our new normal.
Wish us luck!

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