Like most of you, I'm devastated by the loss of so many little lives this weekend.
Confusion, fear, anger, and grief have consumed my mind.
I've hugged my babies tighter.
Mourned with those who are mourning.
And pondered deeply the evil deeds that plague humanity all over the world.
"A weary world rejoices" has never mean't more.
As I continue to think on my despair, I fight to rejoice and rest in the hope and comfort of the One who reigns and promises to right all that is wrong in our broken world.
I've been praying that as Christmas commences and the brokenhearted deal with their losses, I become overwhelmed with the hope our Creator has given, and I boldly proclaim such to a needy world.
For a weary people need to hear what our Savior has done.
We, as Christians, need to be reminded what He has done for us.
May we relish in the truth that while we were enslaved to self-destruction, hopeless and an enemy of God, HE gave us what was most important to Him, His son, as the sacrifice necessary to bring us back to Him. What a loving, merciful God.
He is still good.
He still reigns.
And He will avenge all evil.
ReplyDeleteYou took the words out of my mouth-
We talked about the "weary world rejoicing" at church on Sunday and it's never meant more to me than now. It's true we must remember what he has done for us and what he can continue to do!
Merry Christmas friend!!
Katy A.