Friday, October 19, 2012

Insta-Friday and Master Cleanse update

The darn cold bug is still around, thus the majority of our week has been in our pj's, on the couch.
I at least got a lot of cuddle time with some cute buggies.

And since we are still sick, not a lot of pictures were taken, but here are a couple:

As you can see the echinacea and cuddles flowed freely.

On a different note, here's the Master Cleanse update.

Day 1 wasn't terrible. I had moments of sheer hunger, but it came and went. Almost like contractions. You feel them coming on, you grit your teeth, breathe, and wait for it to pass. I mean, that's what my contractions were like, because I welcomed an epidural while dilated to a 4. Pansy? Perhaps.
Those of you rock stars who screamed your way through the delivery without meds, probably don't appreciate my analogy.

 I did feel sluggish and had a moment where I completely forgot where I was going while driving. That was interesting.
A headache kicked in around dinner time, probably from lack of caffeine.
I noticed my body seemed more relaxed come the afternoon. I have no idea if this is related, but my joints have been really stiff as of late and I could tell a definite shift.
Dinner time was by far the hardest.

However, when I woke up this morning I felt great! I wasn't near as groggy as I usually am pre-coffee. I would also describe a general "clearness" to my mind and body. That is until the horrendous headache kicked in. I don't feel near as hungry as yesterday, but I have a feeling this headache will certainly make today just as difficult.

Good thing it's gloomy outside and both my kiddos need some extra cuddles. I think I can handle that.
I'm also looking forward to an evening in with the hubs and kiddos. We will probably rent a movie and indulge ourselves with some hot tea. Oh yea.

Happy Friday!

life rearranged

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