Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Ode to the last 30 years...

Over the weekend I took a moment to think about the last 30 years. Here's what came out.
It reads: I'm one lucky gal. In case you'd prefer to skip all the hormones.

0- Kindergarden- Cousin fun. Eureka's Castle. Spaghetti with butter and fake parmesan. Roasting tortillas over the gas stove when grandma wasn't looking (it's amazing I still have skin on my forearms). Swimming for hours on end. 0-6, you rocked. 

Elementary- Great friends and their amazing mamas. Great school. Killer hair bow making with "Katy A." Neighborhood shenanigans with Alysa, Joel, and the Bernsteins. In fact, can I go back?

Middle School- I have vivid memories of contemplating who I wanted to be in this big world. Intense I know. I also had my first history teacher who cultivated my love of the subject. The rest is just a Saved By the Bell blur. 

High School- I had some amazing friends who didn't give up on me (thank you for your prayers, Adrienne.) A few incredible teachers. Many, many, many moments of stupidity fueled by insecurity. And while I'd like to forget much of high school, I never want to forget Wednesdays with the Penningtons, Kaytee's laughter, long talks with Stevie, Jess's lake house, dance parties in Christy's basement, Sunday school with the Phillips', and high school sporting events (because who doesn't love puff panting shirts). 

College- I can barely breathe when I think about how good you were to me. It's actually hard to describe, because the people I met and the experiences I had were some of the most significant of my life... But to the girls who became my family: thank you for choosing me. To Youthfront: I feel lucky to have spent my summers with you and to have known the people that believed in you. To Istanbul and Africa: seeing you awakened the deepest part of my soul. To the countless friends who brought many late nights (but not really late b/c I'm an old lady) and much laughter: you won't soon be forgotten. To the Krehbiels, Laurie, and Nicky: thank you for pouring yourself out for my benefit.  

Marriage- I love my love story. I love my man. I love what we have and what we've committed to. I love that we are partners that are for each other. Next to Jesus, you are my best thing.  

To my In-Laws- I really hit the jack pot with you. Thank you for welcoming me in. For showing me what Jesus looks like in a family. Thank you for your friendship. 

To Callie- Thank you for the long talks. For challenging me. For continuing to inspire me with the life you are choosing to lead. 

To New Life- Thank you for giving me my first married friends. Thank you for community in the Totta's living room. It came from such a motley crew :)

To Sarah- You were my first friend when I came back to KC. Thank you for bringing me into your world. I feel lucky to know you and I'm continually challenged by the life you and Tony lead.

Ash and Megan- I'm grateful for the times we've had. Having our first babies together was so much fun!

Parenthood- You continue to be the best and the hardest. You've broken me. You are rebuilding me. You've brought me a love that in any given moment propels me to lay down my life for the sake of another. For this self-involved creature, that's quite a feat. 

To EPR- I could not have dreamed of a better first job. Those six years brought me great friends, maturity, amazing food, and some incredible experiences. And while it wasn't exactly my dream job, I'm thankful to have a been apart of your story.

Redeemer- You've given my husband the opportunity to do what he loves while providing for us- a million thank yous. You've also stirred my affections for Jesus and given me a group of moms who remind me that I'm not alone- I love you ladies. You also brought me back from a dark season by giving me truth and unashamedly proclaiming the brokeness that Jesus is redeeming.

To the Breckenridges and Shipes- I never thought I'd find you. And I can barely contain myself when I think about the gift you have been and continue to be to me. Be my best friends forever?

To the Beans, Murrays, Janis', and Crabtrees- Thank you for porch nights. For all the fun we've had and for all the fun that's ahead. You make me excited to move to the city and raise my family with you.

To the Crowes- get your asses to Ivanhoe so we can be neighbors who watch gross amounts of Friday Night Lights while our boys read wordy things. Yes? (pardon le french)

To eShipping- Thank you for being a company that believes in people, that believes in family. Thank you for giving me an outlet that helps provide for my family.

To the white house on Forest- You may kill me, but my goodness I'm happy you came along.  

To my Parents- Thank you for being the best parents you know how to be. This gig is hard. I'm hard. But the lengths you've gone to provide for me is inspiring. Thank you for the lake and for doing all you could to be apart of everything I was ever involved in. ever. Perhaps the greatest of your contributions is your most recent. Letting us live with you is no small task. Thank you.

To the rest of my family- Thank you for loving me. I've got a good bunch in you all.

And most importantly. To the one that gave me life- Thank you for pursuing me. For never leaving and for promising to never leave. You have not only earned my devotion with your extravagant love, but you deserve it. Because you are who you are, King of it all...Thank you for the last 30 years. Your hand has touched everything. And that allows me to see even the ugliest of moments as beautiful, because you give everything purpose. And everything points to you...I'm excited to one day be with you in the land where brokeness is no more and you are my prize.

*I apologize if I left anyone out. I'm sure I'll lay in bed tonight and think of all the people I forgot to mention. 

1 comment:

  1. Love this. Happy birthday and welcome to the 30s...it's my favorite decade yet (haha).
