Wednesday, September 25, 2013


1. The older the kids get, the less I get done around the house, and the more my evenings become "go time." In other words, if you come by my house in the middle of the day, chances are food will be everywhere and there may or may not be dirty diapers that haven't made it to the trash can. 

2. I feel myself becoming more of a mom. Ya know, the woman who puts her kids before her needs and learns to do life amidst the chaos and messes. It's kind of painful. But I remind myself everyday what a privilege it is to play this part... Literally, I have to remind myself everyday. Usually just before the crazy comes out. 

3. Avery's clinginess has not subsided, but I'm beginning to love it. I mean, come 5:00 p.m. I need a break and big ole glass of wine (5. more. weeks), but there are enough adorable moments that make the hard ones easier to swallow. Like, always wanting to sit by me, or grabbing my arm to rest her head, snuggles in the morning, and the random arms around my neck with a wet, lip puckering kiss. Little girls are great. 

4. I have no brain power left. None. 

5. If I could eat chocolate chip pumpkin bread everyday without gaining 1,000 lbs,  I would. I definitely, definitely would. 

Avery's love of dinosaurs and turtles continues.

First hair cut!!

I pray Bray continues to lead his sister well, in turn, giving her an example of what it looks like to be loved and respected. 

Is anyone else enjoying that TV is back?!
I mean, I wish I was the kind who sat by candle light with a penguin classic or lost herself in Jonathan Edwards' literature at the end of each day. But I'm not. At least not right now. 
So Modern Family it is! 
(I still love Jesus)

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