Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday Schmonday

We are tired around here. Just plain tired. Even my kids seem exhausted.
Bray won't stop yawning and Avery's already down for her morning nap, an hour early.

I'm not sure what our deal is, but something tells me we are going to embrace our exhaustion. It's laundry day after all, so it seems appropriate to stay in jammies, watch too many cartoons, and drink coffee all. day. long.

I do need to spend some time cooking. Not only to get us back on track with our eating plan, but to prepare for our busy week. I work three days and we have several evenings booked. Preparation will be key in keeping meltdowns away and our house running smoothly.

So here's the plan for meals.

Today: Stuffed peppers for dinner and banana bread made with coconut flour (I'll add some greek yogurt).  As well as batch of lemon tilapia and broccoli, enough for lunch and lunches to come.

Tuesday: A batch of fresh, balsamic green beans (I'll cook them longer) alongside grilled chicken.

Wednesday: I work and have a meeting downtown that evening so I won't be home until really late. This calls for leftovers, either chicken and green beans or stuffed peppers.

Thursday: We have dinner plans outside our home.

 Friday:  I'm thinking taco salad.

On the agenda for the rest of our Monday: completing laundry, financial planning, make my cleaning list for tomorrow, partake in a sword fight or two, read a little, and play a game of "airplane."

It should be a great Monday.

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